April Is Earth Month

Every April, people around the world celebrate Earth Month and, on April 22nd, Earth Day. It’s time to focus on our relationship with the planet, and take action to protect it. This month serves as a reminder of our responsibility to advocate sustainability for future generations while promoting community activities including planting trees, litter clean up, and raising awareness about environmental issues. Read on to discover ways we integrate Earth Month principles into daily practice, and how you can too.

In Our Communities
At Geranium, we conduct extensive monitoring of existing ecological functions and improvements in our communities.
At Friday Harbour Resort we’ve preserved the recreation of wetlands to create a stable environment for existing wildlife to thrive.  At Allegro in Aurora, we’ve worked alongside the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority to ensure a healthy watershed for our ecosystem. Plus, we’ve combined efforts with the Federal Department of Fisheries, the Ministry of Natural Resources to rehabilitate the local creek and trail system, helping our surrounding nature flourish for years to come.

Friday Harbour was designed with an emphasis on protecting the health of the woodlands and wetlands

In Our Homes
We work hard to design and build homes that incorporate the latest in energy saving building practices. Here are a few of our Geranium Green Initiatives:

Energy-Efficient HVAC Systems: High-efficiency heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems reduce energy consumption and improve indoor air quality in every home.

LED Lighting: LED bulbs use significantly less energy and last longer than traditional incandescent or fluorescent bulbs, meaning a lower cost and less maintenance.

LED lighting, like those used in our Midhurst Valley model home, use less energy

Low-Flow Fixtures: Water-efficient faucets, showerheads, and toilets reduce water consumption, leaving homeowners with high-quality fixtures that don’t sacrifice performance.

Greywater Recycling: Greywater systems reuse water from sinks, showers, and washing machines for irrigation or toilet flushing, conserving freshwater resources. Edgewood was the first Geranium community, and the first in Canada, to include the system with every home, and offer the option to upgrade to full systems for all projects. Over the long term, the greywater systems contribute to a sustainable water management strategy forthe community and helping homeowners save money on rising water and sewer costs.

Low-flow fixtures and greywater rough-ins are just a few examples of Geranium Green initiatives

What You Can Do At Home
Plant a Tree: Planting native trees and flowers can improve air quality, support local wildlife, and beautify your surroundings.

Start a Compost Bin: What’s removed from the soil should be added back in, which is where composting comes into play. It’s easy to get started, check out our earlier blog for tips

Reduce Energy Consumption: Remember to unplug electronics when not in use, and make things even easier by using power strips to turn off multiple devices at once. You can also switch to energy-efficient LED light bulbs to reduce overall cost and consumption.

Use Environmentally Friendly Cleaning products. Purchase green products or consider making your own. With just a few simple ingredients you can enjoy a greener spring clean.

Shop Local Farmers’ Markets: When you buy from local farmers, you’re helping your community, as well as reducing the carbon footprint associated with transportation.

Shopping at your Farmers’ Market reduces your environmental footprint and supports your local economy

Community Initiatives
Here’s a list of initiatives happening throughout the month of April that’ll allow you to get involved.

Town of Aurora: Community Cleanup, E-Waste Days, Enviro World Rain Barrel Event

Pickering: Litter & Plastics Challenge, Take Pride Pickering, 20 Minute Makeover

Midhurst: Along with Earth Day events at Simcoe County Museum, Living Green Barrie offers year round events to help the environment

GTA: Toronto And Region Conservation Authority has numerous activities throughout the year.

Visit your community’s website for Earth Month activities, and other events all year long

Small habits lead to long-term changes that’ll make an impact on the planet for current and future generations.Visit our website to learn more about our initiatives and the communities we are a part of. 

Together, we can make a difference for generations to come

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