Holiday Shopping in Stouffville

No matter what the season, Downtown Stouffville is always a fun shopping destination. Visiting the local businesses and catching up with neighbours and friends are just one of the many perks in living in this charming town. READ MORE >

“Fall” in love with Stouffville

The crisp air, the colourful trees, the pumpkin flavoured-treats – there are so many things to love about Autumn, and the people of Stouffville really know how to bring out the best of the season!
Here are a few of the great events coming up this fall in the town of Stouffville. READ MORE >

Stouffville is a Place to Grow

Kids can be kids in Stouffville. A town made up of friendly people and community spirit, it’s a safe community where kids can play with friends on tree-lined streets in the summer and families can skate on outdoor rinks in the winter. In part four of our Stouffville series, we look at what makes any READ MORE >

Celebrating Summer in Stouffville

The Victoria Day weekend is almost here, and for most of us, this much anticipated long weekend is the unofficial start of Canada’s summer. Which is probably why we often celebrate it with fireworks – to start the season off with a bang! In Whitchurch-Stouffville, it marks the READ MORE >

Dining on Main Street, Stouffville

For a small town, Stouffville has a surprising number of quality restaurants and bistros, with many of the best found right in the heart of downtown. Where it’s possible to travel to the culinary capitals of the world, eat yourself silly, then simply walk back home. READ MORE >

Have You Discovered Main Street Stouffville?

Just a ten-minute drive north of Markham and an easy GO Train ride to Union Station; Stouffville sits comfortably on the edge of the GTA. Within minutes of Highways 404 and 407, Whitchurch-Stouffville is a quick commute north or south READ MORE >

Uptownes Interactive Model Homes

Geranium Homes has taken their Uptownes model homes one step further, by bringing an interactive element to the mix. In Person The model homes at Uptownes are a grand source READ MORE >

Enjoy Life At Your Own Pace

Picturing the life at Pace on Main just got a whole lot easier thanks to Geranium Homes’ Preview Launch Event. The response has been overwhelming, and it looks like everyone’s excited about this condo project. What’s the buzz? This intimate collection of 67 boutique condominium READ MORE >

Coming Home to Cardinal Point

Neil Kshatri liked his two-storey townhouse and Cardinal Point neighbourhood in Stouffville so much that he persuaded his parents to purchase a bungalow close by. His parents had been looking specifically for a bungalow for three years before… READ MORE >