10 Inspiring Ways to Recycle Wood Pallets

Top 10 creative ways to recycle your wood pallets. Last week was Earth Week and it got me thinking about all the wonderful ways we recycle and reuse. Having just finished making a lovely wine rack out of a used wood pallet (photo above), I started digging for more ideas. READ MORE >

6 Tips for April Gardening

It’s been a long cold drawn out winter, but there is light at the end of the tunnel – and spring has finally arrived. What took you so long?
Although the ground may still be frozen in parts and the weatherman keeps using that four-letter word, “snow” – there are still things you can do right READ MORE >

Clever Tricks & Household Tips

It all started with the towels! I just wanted to find a way to get rid of the stale, musty smell in my towels. So I started looking up various ways to bring new life to my laundry and soon realized I’ve been doing it wrong all these years. That’s when I decided to share a few READ MORE >