As we become more conscious of how we have an impact on the earth, most of us are constantly looking for ways to reduce our carbon footprint. Living a greener life is much easier than you might think. By changing just a few things in your everyday life, you can help leave the earth in a greener place.
Sure, this is an obvious one, but many don’t know what all can be recycled, or where items should be brought to be recycled. This is a helpful guide to what to put in your blue box, your compost and green bin, or if you’re still not sure, consult the York Region’s Bindicator – simply enter the item you wish to dispose of and the bindicator will find the best options for where it should go! Be sure to check your local recycling guides as some places may differ. Try this DIY Home Recycling Centre to make sorting fun for the kids and easier on the eye!
Make Your Own Cleaning Products
The chemicals used in many cleaning products aren’t the most environmentally friendly. You can make your own cleaning products using ingredients you already have in your home, not only will it help save the earth but save you a few dollars! Here’s a list of 27 DIY cleaning products to try.
Choose Eco-friendly Home Accessories
Many home décor stores are joining the eco-trend by introducing green products into their lines. From recycled bathmats to natural bowls, choose one of these great home accessories to keep your home stylish and green.
Conserve at Home
There are simple things we can do everyday to conserve energy in the home. This includes things as easy as turning down your heat a couple degrees (or air conditioner up), or changing your lightbulbs. But did you know that many devices like TVs, computers and cell phone chargers draw “Phantom Power” which means they are using electricity unless they’re unplugged? In many cases, there are rebates available for energy-efficient products. Here are some great summer energy-saving tips for the home.
Prevent Food Waste
We’re all guilty of wasting too much food. To offset this, make an effort to make smaller portions when making dinner, or buy your food from local sources like the farmers’ market to eat more sustainably. Here are 7 ways to prevent food waste at home.
Plant a Vegetable Garden
There’s no place more local to get your food than your own backyard. Plant a vegetable garden and grow your own produce. Growing your own vegetables will reduce the carbon footprint on veggies traveling from farms to grocery stores. Plus, there will be no pesticides. Here’s a Vegetable Garden Planning Guide for Beginners.
There are many simple, easy ways to live a more green life. Make these changes, and you’ll be on a path to a more eco-friendly way of life!