Spring and Summer Tips for Pet Safety

Spring is finally here, as you get your home ready for those warmer months ahead, don’t forget about your pets. Now’s the ideal time to ensure your furry friend has a safe and happy summer!

Here are 5 Top Tips for you and your pet:

Yard Clean Up
With an unobstructed view of your yard, take a walk around your property and make sure it’s pet safe. Exposure to the elements like snow, ice and rain can cause the ground to shift or the soil to erode. Check for exposed nails or holes that create openings for your pet to escape or be injured. Pick up branches or damaged fencing that can scratch a curious dog’s eyes. Keep on the look out for small or rusty items that could have fallen through the deck boards. Here’s a checklist of what to look for.

It’s important to check your yard for hazards or any damage from the winter.

Plant Pet Friendly
When planning your spring and summer garden be sure to use pet friendly plants. Did you know toxic plants include daffodils, hostas, and peonies? Even herbs and veggies like chives, garlic and lavender can be dangerous for your pet. Be sure to check that the fertilizer you use for your lawn is pet safe.

Make sure the plants in your garden aren’t poisonous to your pet.

Fireworks and Pet Safety
Spring and summer are known for their holidays … and fireworks! While you may love the celebrations, your pet most likely does not. Fireworks are a foreign experience for your pet; they come without warning and can be very frightening. The Ontario SPCA offers some helpful tips – including keeping your pets indoors and only take them for walks before it gets dark. Have a safe place for your pet to feel comfortable. It’s a good idea to block out the flashing lights by keeping curtains closed and placing a blanket over their crate. Your pet will pace or try and look for a place to hide. Leave them be. Just you staying calm should help with your pet’s anxiety.

Fireworks and loud noises can frighten your dog.

Microchip your Pet
There is no better way to ensure your lost pet will be found than with a microchip. Collars and tags can be removed, or become damaged and illegible over time, while a microchip is a permanent effective way of identifying your pet. The process is quick and painless, as simple as a vaccination, and lasts a lifetime. The Ontario SPCA offers microchip clinics. Check for one coming to your area.

Be Prepared for Emergencies
You never know when you or your dog will be in crisis. It’s a good idea to keep an emergency kit for you and one for you pet, by your door. Your pet emergency kit should include items like food, water, a leash, collar, blankets and toys. Don’t forget a copy of his/her medical records, a first aid kit, and a recent photo in case your pet goes missing. A simple “ANIMALS INSIDE” decal on your home entrance can be the difference between life and death. If ever there is an emergency, responders will be aware of your pets and know how to deal with them.

The Ontario SPCA has all the info you need for emergency preparedness

To learn more about pet safety tips, the Ontario SPCA has some helpful fact sheets with tips on everything from nutrition to travelling!  May is Responsible Pet Ownership Month, make sure you offer a safe and happy home for your pet.


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