Fall Checklist for Your Garden

It’s that time of year again! Time to get your home and garden ready for the cold months ahead. Here’s a handy gardening list of things to do in the next couple of weeks before winter sets in.

Don’t Throw Out Dead Leaves

Most people rake fallen leaves and pack them up into recyclable bags for curbside collection. Instead, compost or scatter leaves in garden beds as a natural mulch and soil amendment.

This year, forget about raking the leaves. Use them as natural mulch in your garden.

Plant Spring Bulbs
Planning for your spring garden starts now, during mid-autumn. This is the time to plant your tulip, daffodil or any other spring-flowering  bulbs to ensure you have a bountiful garden next year.

Planting your bulbs in the fall for a colourful welcome in spring.

Fertilize Your Lawn 
Autumn is a very important time to apply lawn fertilizer as it prepares your garden for the winter ahead. And don’t forget to cut your lawn one more time before the risk of snow. Canadian Living recommends to cut to a height of 2 to 2 ½ inches.

Divide Perennials
Spare yourself the expense of planting annuals every year and stick to perennials. After your perennial plants have finished blooming and are dormant, they’re ready to be divided. Dig out your hostas and day lilies and cut in half with a sharp shovel or spade. This is an affordable and easy way to grow your garden for spring and summer. But don’t wait too long, the roots need time to establish before winter sets in. 

Prune Trees and Shrubs
This is the time of year to cut dead branches off, prune flowering shrubs, cedar hedges, spruces, pines, maples and birch trees. However, hold off on pruning roses, ornamental grasses or hydrangeas until spring.

Pruning trees and certain shrubs are best done in fall.

Have you checked off all these items on this list? Remember, whatever you don’t get done this fall, will bite you in the spring. So now is the time to prepare your garden for winter and spring.

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