Thinking about selling your home? Don’t let the change of seasons deter you, as anytime can be the right time to sell your home. And with sales offices open throughout the winter months, it’s an ideal time for buying your home as well.
Listing in the winter season may possibly open up your market. As families do not want to disrupt their children’s schooling, some may start looking for a home in the winter, with a closing date in the spring / summer. It’s also a great time for first-time buyers to look for their first home, or retirees without young children to consider, as it is may be a slower time at work and they are able to spend time focusing on this exciting purchase.
First impressions are important. Enhancing the exterior of your home makes a wonderful first impression from the moment your prospects arrive. Consider setting up holiday decorations as Christmas lighting can serve as a warm welcome to potential buyers.
Now that the potential for snow is higher, make sure your driveway and pathways to your home are completely clear of snow and salted. Try not to pile snow drifts in such a way that will block the windows to your home or obstruct the view from the street. Also, try and clear your driveway as much as possible, built up snow can make it look smaller than it actually is.
Decor and Staging
Create a cozy scene inside with holiday décor! Decorating to match the upcoming holidays allows potential buyers to envision themselves celebrating with their family in a new home.
Be careful to not make your space too cluttered with holiday décor, so your home still feels spacious. A holiday themed centerpiece, either bought, or made can really complete a room and enhance the buyer’s vision for the space.
Additionally, a little ambiance can go a long way in making potential buyers comfortable. Bake some warm cookies or pick up Christmas-blend coffee to brew when prospects are touring your home. The smells will fill your kitchen, and their minds, with ideas for the area. In other rooms of the house, burn scented candles to create a similar effect. Consider purchasing large mats or a bench to keep at your entry way, so that individuals have lots of room to take of their shoes, and don’t track the outdoor weather inside your home.
Show Your Home’s Winter-Readiness
Insulation, roofing, air-tight windows, energy efficient furnace – features of your home that show it’s designed to handle the cold winter months are crystal clear when buyers are shopping in the winter. Not to mention the warmth of a fireplace or perhaps an outdoor hot tub are much more appealing on a cold winter day.
Don’t let the time of the year stop you from making your next home decision. Try these tips to get your home ready for sale and enjoy the holiday season!
Amazing. Thanks for sharing