Best Homework Places In The Home

School is officially back in session, and with that, comes homework. We’ve created a roundup of tips and tricks to help find the best places around your home for your child to get their homework completed. READ MORE >

A Wabi-Sabi Way of Life

The Japanese tradition of wabi-sabi is an age-old concept that offers an inspirational way to look at life. It‘s a philosophy that focuses on finding beauty in imperfection and authenticity.
In the context of interior design and decor, a wabi-sabi home embraces handmade things, rough textures and natural materials. It values simplicity, uncluttered, underplayed, and modest surroundings. Let’s take a look at some tips to apply wabi-sabi to your home and embrace the perfection in imperfections. READ MORE >

Feng Shui Bedroom Tips

Bedrooms are very important in feng shui for obvious reasons. Learn how to create balance and enjoy a better sleep with these feng shui design tips. READ MORE >

Home Trends for 2018

From the latest in technology to going au naturel – we’ve got all the latest home decor trends for 2018! READ MORE >

Four Ways to Dress Up Blank Walls

When thinking about decorating walls, our natural tendency is to cover them with framed artwork and photographs. But there are so many more options that allow you to think outside the frame to spruce up those walls. Here are four ideas to accessorize your walls and give your home a fresh look. READ MORE >

Advantages of a Smaller Home 

Condos and condo towns are increasing in popularity. People are discovering the number of advantages to buying a smaller home. Here are some reasons why it’s big to buy small. READ MORE >

Around the World in a Paint Can

With the 2016 Summer Olympics taking centre stage, we thought we’d tap into the many diverse and rich colours from around the world for design inspiration. With paint brush in hand, here are ways to give your home a global feel.
Greece: let’s start where READ MORE >

Top Ten Apps for the Smart Home

Whether it’s redecorating, a do-it-yourself project, or gardening … there’s an App for that! Smart Phone technology has made things a whole lot easier for homeowners. We thought you might like these ten apps for your home. There’s no need to paint a ton of different paint READ MORE >

Welcome Spring into Your Home

Spring has finally arrived, and it couldn’t be more welcome after a long winter. Get a jump start on the season by bringing that feeling of a new season into your home now. Here are a few tips to make the transition from winter to spring.
Let’s get started … READ MORE >