6 Tricks To Ensure This Halloween Is A Treat!

While Halloween may look a little different this year, it doesn’t mean it still can’t be a memorable one for kids and adults alike! Looking for some inspiration? We’ve compiled a list of some of the best ways to keep this year spook-tacular! READ MORE >

Out With The Summer, In With The Fall

Transitioning Your Home to Autumn.
Crisp air. Vibrant colours. The smell of home cooking. As we welcome autumn, we have compiled some of the best fall décor ideas for the season! READ MORE >

The College Years: A Parents Survival Guide

You probably remember it like it was yesterday, sending your oldest off to school on that big yellow school bus. But now it’s your turn to drive them miles away to their new home away from home. As you prepare yourself, you’ll also need to help your son or daughter get ready for READ MORE >

Thrill of the Grill

Ten things you may have never thought of throwing on the barbeque. If you’re like most Canadians, the BBQ season lasts 12 months of the year.
So when summer finally hits, it’s time to get creative. Veer away from the classic summer menu of hot dogs and hamburgers and celebrate READ MORE >

Father’s Day Gift Ideas for that “One of a Kind” Dad

June 21st – the day we get to celebrate the main mentors in our lives: our dads.
Now whether your dad is a man of few words, or one who preaches the all-too-common “I don’t want anything”, it’s no secret that Father’s Day is one of the hardest holidays to

The Muskoka Chair

From its humble beginnings as a family lawn chair, the Muskoka or Adirondack chair has become a symbol of cottage life and the epitome of summer comfort. Why the fascination? Is it the fact that they’re so comfortable that once you sit down in one there’s no going back, or that they READ MORE >

Pruning Roses

A new poll says that 82% of Canadians believe the May Long Weekend is an ideal time for spring chores, with gardening and landscaping being at the top of the list. I guess I’m your average Canadian because that’s just what I did this past weekend. READ MORE >