A Neighbourhood Tradition

It’s hard to believe that it was ten years ago when our first Cardinal Point homeowners gathered for our inaugural community Barbecue in the Park. This year’s event was another huge success! READ MORE >

Tips for a Perfect Summer Picnic

Nothing says summer quite like a picnic! It doesn’t take a lot of planning, just a little bit of preparation is all you need for a memorable afternoon. Here’s a list of everything you need for the perfect picnic from favourite spots to the best recipes. READ MORE >

Planning Your Spring and Summer Garden

With the May long weekend just around the corner, so is the unofficial start of the summer gardening season, and a popular time to start purchasing your plants.
Potted plants are always a good choice, and very trendy this season It’s like an instant little garden! Especially when you have smaller outdoor spaces like terraces or balconies. READ MORE >

When it’s Wise to Downsize

It’s the moment you’ve been waiting for. The kids have moved out, you’re planning your retirement and you’re ready for a smaller home. You know it’s time to downsize. Although it’s hard letting go, you will soon find there are many benefits to READ MORE >

Six Easy Ways to Extend your Summer

The calendar says September and the kids may be back to school, but officially summer is NOT over yet! We’ve still got a few more weeks to celebrate the season.
So don’t give up on the season yet, follow these tips to make your summer READ MORE >

Top 7 Must-Haves for your Backyard

With the summer season finally in sight, it’s time to shift focus to the backyard. That area of your home long forgotten over the harsh winter, but happily rediscovered as the sun starts to shine and the days get longer.
Try these ideas to turn your backyard into the perfect READ MORE >

The top 8 things to do this Long Weekend

The long weekend is almost here, and if you’re like many people, you probably haven’t had the time to plan any type of getaway or vacation. Have no fear, there are better days to come – they’re called Saturday and Sunday (and holiday Monday!) So, if you’re READ MORE >

Simple ways to Celebrate Summer

It’s finally summer, Canada Day is just around the corner, yet landing on a Tuesday doesn’t lend itself to a long weekend. But it’s summer and time to celebrate, yet there may be times when you’re looking for a kick start on this summer celebration. Basic things to put yourself in a READ MORE >

For the love of Mason Jars

It’s trendy and fun. Have you noticed the rise in Mason Jar popularity lately? But why buy knock offs when you can create your own neat crafts? After my enthusiastic attempt at canning last summer, I now have a shelf full of the coveted mason jar, just waiting to be “repurposed.” So I thought I’d look at READ MORE >